Fish Finder Source is looking for writers. If you love fishing and would like to share your experience and passion with other like-minded people, this is a great opportunity! Here’s the sort of content we are looking for:
- Fishing tips and tricks(fly fishing, bass fishing, all kinds of fishing, really!)
- Fish finder tips
- Fishing gear recommendations(your favorite fishing gear, what you personally use)
- How-to’s
- Awesome fishing trip stories
- Biggest catch stories
- Anything fishing related, really!
Each article must have at least one original photo. We usually aim for between 700-2000 words, depending on the nature of the topic.
You will get a byline with the article, along with a headshot and a link to whatever(fishing related) website you’d like. You can also add relevant links in the article body, too.
If you are interested, pitch your article to pixeltechmedia[at] gmail [dot] com.